Openet FusionWorks is a high performance, highly scalable event processing
and transaction-management platform that provides convergent Charging,
Rating, Mediation and Revenue Assurance. FusionWorks integrates across any
network to support any service providing unmatched availability and processing
FusionWorks enables Operators and Service Providers to decrease operating
costs and increase profitability by consolidating infrastructure while ensuring
that reliable service is maintained.
Key Features:
- Convergent Mediation - Consolidated billing mediation that reduces
hardware costs, simplifies administration, and supports new data, content,
and multimedia services.
- Convergent Charging - A real-time charging engine that provides the
flexibility to deploy any service, any pricing plan, and any set of business rules
- IMS Charging - A 3GPP-compliant IMS online and offline charging solution
that enables operators to gracefully migrate their legacy infrastructure.
- Lawful Network Surveillance - Efficiently capture, retain, and retrieve
network usage information for accurate responses to government
legal requests.
- Revenue Assurance - Detect rating, charging, and provisioning errors across
the most diverse and disparate network elements.